A blocked drain can stem from various underlying issues, ranging from a buildup of fat or grease in the kitchen sink or dishwasher to hair clogs in the bathroom drain. While many households initially resort to DIY methods to tackle the problem, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks involved.
Chemical Burns
Using chemical drain unblockers demands caution and consideration. These potent and corrosive chemicals work by triggering a chemical reaction to dissolve the blockage. However, it's crucial to recognise that they pose safety hazards, and incidents of chemical burns are on the rise at UK hospitals. Professionals, on the other hand, possess the necessary training and expertise to handle these chemicals safely and effectively when unblocking drains.
Bacterial Infection
Attempting a DIY unblock exposes individuals to the risk of bacterial infection. Drains harbour a plethora of hazardous bacteria. Professional drain specialists come prepared with protective gear, such as masks, goggles, and gloves, to safeguard against potential infections when dealing with blocked drains.
Breathing Difficulties
The chemical reaction during drain unblocking can release strong fumes and gases, leading to severe lung irritation. These fumes may even result in fainting, vomiting, or lasting lung issues if not handled properly.
Call The Experts
Although a DIY unblock may appear tempting as an easier solution, it often does more harm than good. Professionals possess the knowledge to locate, assess, and address the blockage in the correct and safest manner. Don't hesitate to reach out to Drain Defenders LTD today for a FREE Quote at 0800 464 0426 and let the experts handle your drain unblocking needs. Why not take a look at our reviews page and see what other happy customers have to say?